I hereby declare that all information I have provided are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I also hereby agree that collective consents have been obtained allowing Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore
to collect, use, process and disclose my personal data including pictures, videos and audio requests to third parties
(upon request) in accordance to the terms and conditions as stated in the Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore
Personal Data Protection Policy (refer to https://www.darul-arqam.org.sg/personal-data-protection-act-pdpa/).

  I would like to receive information on upcoming MCAS programmes and courses via the following channels:

Please visit our website at www.mcas.sg for further details on our data protection policy, including how
you may access and correct your personal data or withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure
of your personal data.

*Kindly be informed that your application will only be confirmed upon receiving our confirmation
email. For enquiries, please contact MCAS Education Division at 6597 0400 (press 2).

  I have read and agree with the declaration and privacy policy as detailed in the declaration.